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This is the earliest aquatint print of West Point.  It is No. 16 in a series of aquatints after scenes of the Hudson, titled "The Hudson River Portfolio", after scenes painted by William Guy Wall.  This earlier portfolio predates that of William Bennett by several years.  The work was of exceptional quality and was appreciated both in the United States and abroad.  Published between 1821 and 1825, copies of the portfolio made their way to England, where they inspired makers of pottery in the Staffordshire region, such as James and Ralph Clews, to make export potter with transfer-printed images depicting scenes from the set.  Even these examples of early Staffordshire pottery are rare and highly sought after today.

This view, south at the grounds of West Point from the northwest bank of the Hudson shows many buildings in great detail, as well as ships near the North Dock.

The earliest aquatint engraving of the United States Military Academy at West Point during its early formative years, from a masterpiece edition of American aquatints of the Hudson Valley.   Media:  Aquatint on Paper

Dates:  1821-1825

War:  None

Type:  Print

Catalog Number:  IAS-00208

Plain of West Point at the Moment of Exercise
From a Drawing Circa 1820
Published 1828-1829


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