Flags with 39 stars are
very scarce compared to flags of 38 stars, which were
official for more than 13 years, but in the same day,
the official star count jumped from 38 stars to 40
stars, with the introduction of both North Dakota and
South Dakota on the same day. Just 6 days later,
the introduction of Montana, followed by the
introduction of Washington State just 3 days after that,
brought the star count from 38 to 42 in less than a two
week period. Though 39 star printed flags are
encountered occasionally, since flag makers made them in
anticipation of at least one state coming into the union
in 1889, those of pieced and sewn construction, and in
particular those that are homemade, are very rare and
almost never encountered. This particular flag has
a fantastic medallion pattern with stars that are
carefully arranged tip to tip. The effect is a
very geometric and folky pattern, which form a
design of nested pentagons. As a result of the star
placement, the voids between the stars are very
symmetrical. The pattern has a quilt-like symmetry
to it, and the seamstress who made the flag very
carefully stitched the stars into position by hand.
The flag is made of cotton, with an unusual hoist made
of the same blue fabric as the canton. This adds
another interesting visual characteristic to an already
rare and beautiful 19th century American flag.