If you have a question about the American
flag in general, or about a particular flag that
you have encountered or that is part of the
collection, please feel free to
contact me any time.
About Me and My Collection |
Do you do appraisals for
flags? No, since I'm a
collector I don't perform formal appraisals of
flags. I'm happy to informally help you identify a
flag and tell you more about what similar flags
sell for at auctions or public sales.
Do you buy flags?
Yes, I'm always seeking new examples, especially
new flags of styles and forms that differ from
those in the
collection today.
Do you offer your
flags for sale? No, I
don't consider myself a dealer, I'm a collector.
I am always looking to acquire
new flags for the collection.
About American Flags in General |
Are there many original 13
Star flags available?
It is debatable whether or not any 13
Star flags in the Stars and Stripes
pattern, that date to
the period of the Revolutionary War, exist today.
If they do exist, they are
extraordinarily rare. Attributing
a flag to this period is an inexact
science that requires deep knowledge of
early textiles at the scientific and
historical level. There
are a few examples that are believed to date to
the late 1700s, such as the
Nathaniel Shaw Flag at the New London County
Historical Society. That said, 13
Star flags are one of the most common
star counts that you can find.
They were made throughout much of our
history for a variety of uses, most
notably for small parade flags and for
sewn flags for maritime use. Most
13 star flags that do surface date to |

13 Star
Flag, 4-5-4 Pattern, Circa 1890
the Civil War period or later.
Any pre-Civil War period 13 star flag is
very rare. If you have an antique
13 Star flag, it certainly is special,
but probably dates to the Civil War
period at the earliest. It would
take examination by an expert to
attribute any flag, 13 Stars or
otherwise, to the pre-Civil War period. |
Is there a museum
dedicated to the American Flag? No,
though this is a desire of many flag collectors
nationwide. Some museums have flags in
their collections, and many local historical
societies possess flags that have been brought
to them by their communities. The closest
location to a flag museum that I can think of
would be the Statehouses of the states that
fought in the Civil War, where large numbers of
unit colors were turned in at the end of the
conflict. Even in those cases, most flags
are now out of public display, and many states
are fighting time and budget to preserve these
rare flags.
Did Betsy Ross sew the
first American Flag, and was it in a 13 Star
Circle Pattern? Although documents
exist that show that Betsy Ross did indeed sew
flags for use in the American Revolution, the
pattern of the stars and the general form and
style of the flags she
produced are unknown. The pattern that we
today know as the Betsy Ross Pattern of 13 Stars
arranged in a circle on the flag's canton is one
contrived by her grandson, William J. Canby, in 1870.
What should I do with old
American Flags? The Boy Scouts of
America and various veterans organizations often
collect older, unserviceable flags and destroy
them in sanctioned burning ceremonies.
While this is one acceptable way to destroy
damaged flags, the destruction of historic
American Flags is, in my opinion, an unnecessary
loss of an artifact that could pass to future
generations. Many historic flags are worn,
old and frail. Their condition would be
considered unserviceable by most standards, yet
their historic and cultural value is immense.
Historic flags should be preserved and
Should I destroy an
American Flag if it touches the ground?
Some people will say that if a flag happens to
touch the ground, it's been desecrated and
should be destroyed. Although the action
you take is your choice, my personal feeling is
that a flag that accidentally touches the ground
or dropped, and is carefully picked up and
handled with respect and dignity is still a
grand old flag, and should fly high once again.
Our national colors have touched the ground many
times, most poignantly when a valiant color
bearer is killed or wounded on the field of
battle. When the American Flag falls,
Americans rally to it, pick it back up and carry
it on. Many battle flags have been torn
and damaged beyond what we would consider
serviceable, yet they are handled reverently and
still preserved today. |
Questions from Visitors |
A Flag with 9 Stars
and 13 Stripes
June 4, 2010
Q: I have been asked "when would there
have been a 9 star, 13 stripe flag?". I have
seen one small (5x7)and a very tiny one on a tiny
carved ship. I never have seen them before.
Can you help with this mystery? Is it a
mistake? Thank you, my search has not
given me any answers.
A: Thanks for your question. What you
write gives a good clue to the answer. There’s
never been a time where nine stripes and
thirteen stars would have been official, yet
often on antique pieces of folk art and artwork,
especially very small pieces, the creator might
omit stars simply out of necessity due to lack
of space. I’ve seen this often on small maritime
paintings where the artist was unable to put the
full complement of stars on a ship’s flag. Ship flags from the 19th century, and up until
the early 20th century, also known as ensigns,
commonly featured cantons of 13 stars. This
was so that the canton was more recognizable at
long distances. Most likely, on the carved ship
you describe, the maker attempted to approximate
a 13 star ensign. There are printed parade flags
that date from the Civil War and Centennial Era
that also feature less than 13 stars. Those that
surface typically feature star counts of 7, 8 or
9 stars. While some collectors believe that
these are prototype confederate flags, or
confederate sympathizer flags, they are
typically very small and while it may be
plausible that they were made by southern
sympathizers, I personally believe
that the makers of these flags simply opted to print
fewer stars to make them look bolder rather than
printing the full complement of 13 stars, which
might not look as striking.
Zig-Zag Stitching on a 13
Star Flag
June 22, 2010
Q: I have a couple of questions. I recently
obtained a 13 star flag (Francis Hopkinson
Pattern which is 2 x 3). Although the stars are
stitched in s zig-zag pattern, it is very
crudely done. Have you very seen hand sewn stars
in a zig-zag pattern? My research has led me to
learn that the zig-zag sewing machine was
patened in 1873, not 1892. The flag is
stamped "2 x 3" and something "& Lord"...I am
assuming that is the company that produced the
flag. Are you aware of such a company name? A:
Thanks for the question, and congratulations on
your flag acquisition. 13 Star flags of the
pattern and construction you describe were made
for use primarily as maritime ensigns. The 2” x
3” size is typically the smallest size, often
made and sold for use on private yachts. You’re
correct about sewing machines capable of
performing zig-zag stitching prior to 1892. The
earliest machined zig-zag stitched flag that I
have is a 42 star flag from 1889. The date of
1892 is significant with regards to zig-zag
stitching and American flags in that on February
23, 1892, Mr. Henry Bowman, an African American,
was awarded patent #473,653, Device for Making
Flags, in which he patented the use of zig-zag
stitching specifically for sewing stars onto
American flags. Henry’s flag company began
producing flags and marking the hoist of the
flag with the date and patent number.
Unfortunately, he was unable to protect his
patent, and others also made flags using this
technique. On March 26, 1894, Bowman brought the
case of Bowman v. De Grauw, et. al. to the
Circuit Court of New York. He lost the case,
with the judge ruling that the technique was not
sufficiently novel to warrant a patent, and soon
the Bowman company went out of business. (You
can read about the case here, in the Federal
Reporter, vol. 60, pp. 907-912.
I’ve seen unusual hand-done herringbone type
stitching on flags, but not hand-done zig-zag
stitching, though I would never say such a thing
does not exist. On small flags, the zig-zag
stitching can look very crude, even though they
are machine sewn. The type of thread used, the
skill of the seamstress and the age of the
machine are important factors. Also, as Bowman’s
patent describes, the approach was to sew the
white fabric blanks to each side of the canton,
using zig-zag stitching, and to then cut away
the blanks and leave the stars. Probably not the
most efficient use of raw materials, but an
improvement in speed, versus cutting stars
separately. The rough edges of the stars were
more secure with the zig-zag stitching (so the
patent claims). This can also leave them looking
more crude than a carefully turned-under star.
Look very closely at the zig-zag stitching,
paying particular attention to the space between
each stitch. Also, look closely at the overall
width of the entire zig-zag stitch. If it is
consistently the same width, then it’s a good
indication that the stitching is machine
stitching. The one variable is the speed at
which the seamstress guided the flag as it was
sewn. This might make the stitches “compressed”,
but zig-zag motion of the machine’s needle would
still move the same width distance.
I’ve not heard of the name of the
company, though if I do come across
another flag similarly marked, I’ll let
you know. Attached is a close-up of a
machined zig-zag stitched star on a 13
star flag from the same period (late
19th century) as your flag, also of
relatively crude manufacture, zig-zag
stitched and then cut in the manner
described in Bowman’s patent. |

Early/Crude Machine
Zig-Zag Stitching (last quarter, 19th
Century) |
48 and 49 Star Flags
July 30, 2010
Q: Hello. When my step-dad passed away I came
into possession of two flags: a 48 and 49 star.
Both are cotton with stars and stripes sewn on,
9.5 feet long and in perfect condition. He was a
funeral director and I supposed he had these
around for military funerals (?) and kept back
one when the number of stars officially changed.
Are these worth anything or are they rather
A: Thank you for your
question. 48 Star and 49 Star flags are
relatively common, and in the marketplace flags
such as yours would probably sell in the $40-$60
range. At any given time on eBay you will find
relatively large numbers of 48 Star flags for
sale. A quick search today in the Flags &
Pennants category on eBay for the words "48 star
flag" returns 120 items, most are flags. 49
Star flags are less common since they were
produced for only a year, but they were still
manufactured in large quantities. A search
today for "49 star flag" returns 7 flags. Your
flags are large, and that makes them a bit more
difficult for a person to frame and display, so
often when it comes to flags, smaller is
better. Despite their being relatively common,
your flags are still special and should be
preserved. I personally prefer the construction
of a sewn flag to a printed flag, and that's a
nice trait of yours. I hope that you enjoy the
flags and keep them well, in a dry place outside
of the range of moths. They're great family
heirlooms and since they're not exceedingly
valuable in monetary terms, your family can
enjoy actually flying the flags on special
occasions like the 4th of July, Veteran's Day,
Memorial Day and other national holidays. Flags
that were once official are forever official and
can be flown and appreciated at any time.
Patriotic Bunting
September 4, 2010
Q: I have a flag from
the 1876's I think??? It has thirteen stars with
a large on in the middle and has only 3 stripes
2 red and 1 white. I heard its bunting. it is
large and very long - what is it and what is it
worth. I am going to frame it.
A: From what you
describe, it certainly sounds like a piece of
historic bunting. It might have been made in
1876, but if it has zig-zag stitching on the
stars then it would date to later, and perhaps
might even be from the 20th century. The most
common style for this kind of bunting, in my
experience, is with the stars arranged in what
is known as the Cowpens pattern, in which a
central star (sometimes larger than the others)
is surrounded by a wreath of 12 stars. The
stripes on this kind of narrow bunting are
typically as you describe, with just 3 stripes
(red-white-red). The hoist is above the canton
of stars and usually has two grommets in it, one
in each corner. The bunting can be very long,
sometimes tens of feet long, and often the top
corners of the cantons where they join with the
hoist are reinforced by gussets. These banners
come up periodically for sale on sites such as
eBay. Since they're not standard US flags, they
often sell for a considerably lower price than a
full 13 star Cowpens flag of comparable time
period, usually in the $200-$300 range. They're
terrific pieces of Americana, and framed they
can be impressive and beautiful. For long
lengths of bunting, you can swag the stripes
several times to effectively shorten the bunting
in the framed mount. That will make the
presentation of the bunting more compact and
also save you money on the framing.