an object that recalls a
certain place, occasion, or
person; memento
While cutting and removing a
piece of an American Flag
would seem like a
desecration of the flag to
modern Americans, the act
was not so unusual in the
19th century. This
act, known in flag
collecting as "souveniring",
is a more common trait on
historic flags than one
would think. Some of
the most historic American
flags known, such as the
Bennington Flag and the Star
Spangled Banner, were
subject to souvenir hunters
who cut and kept pieces of
The practice of taking
souvenirs was especially
prevalent on flags that
surrounded significant
historic events such as
assassinations or
significant military
battles, campaigns or wars.
During the Civil War in
particular, units mustering
out of service, who spent
years rallying around their
beloved colors, would
sometimes take pieces as
keepsakes and as a symbol of
unit solidarity. In
other cases, where unit
leaders and officers were
killed in combat, a souvenir
of the flag might be removed
and sent to the leader's
loved ones. There are
several flags in the
collection that show
evidence of souveniring.
The very early
star flag highlighted
in the Showcase, which most
likely predates the Civil
War, is missing a piece of
the top red stripe.
One of the most interesting
examples of souveniring in
the collection is shown
below. This 36 star
American National Flag is in
the form of a Union
company-grade infantry
battle flag, with its
elongated stripes and
smaller squarish vertically
oriented canton.
Although the specific unit
that carried this flag is
lost to history, the
presence of a souvenir in
the shape of a star, cut
from the canton, is strong
evidence that the flag was
in fact used by a military
unit, and most likely a
souvenir was taken to mark
the death of a commander or
other highly regarded unit

Stars, Civil War Period,
Souvenired Star from the
Canton, a Company
Replacement Color

13 Stars, Mexican War
Period, Souvenired Top Red

13 Stars, Civil War Period,
Souveinred Bottom Red Stripe
and Fly End, a US Navy Small
Boat Flag