One term in flag collecting
that is often misused is the
term "Great Star Pattern".
Even reputable auction
houses and seasoned
collectors sometimes refer
to a flag containing a star
that is larger than the rest
as a "Great Star" flag.
Great Star flags, though,
are those where the stars on
the canton collectively form
the shape of a large star.
Examples of this can be
here. I call the
large oversized star found
at the center of a patterned
flag the Center Star. The
presence of a large center
star on a flag is
surprisingly somewhat common
on flags of the 19th
century. The Center
Star is typically larger
than any of the rest, and is
usually centered on the
canton at the center of
whatever pattern the flag
maker might have chosen for
their starry constellation.
It typically symbolizes the
newest state to have entered
the Union. Some Center
Stars even have what is
known as a halo, a thin
outline around the large
center star that further
increases its boldness.
Center Stars are not only
symbolically interesting,
but they also add great
visual interest to the flag
itself. Below is a
photomontage of the cantons
of several flags within the
collection which feature
bold, beautiful Center
The Blood Stripe |